6 Ways to Make Sure Your Mobile App Has Great Usability
Differences in personal preferences can make some difference when it comes to usability satisfaction with apps. A few basics can be considered standard in app development that will improve the odds of positive usability feedback. Below are six of the more common items that need to be addressed.
1. Platform Compatibility and Usability
The ability to use an app on both iOS and Android platforms requires that they are designed taking the differences into account. Each platform has subtle and not-so-subtle differences can make the user frustrated when the app refuses to operate as needed. A platform incompatibility issue can cause a user to walk away from your app from the start. You are not giving your app a chance by not paying attention to this critical detail.
2. Easy to Navigate
Good usability demands that the app development take easy navigation into consideration. You don’t want to have to spend valuable time looking for a hidden menu or command list. Everything your app offers should be easy to locate and get to without jumping through proverbial hoops.
3. Simple Design and Uncomplicated to Use
The more simple your app design is, the less complicated it seems. No one wants to jump into a new app and find themselves overwhelmed in figuring out how it works. Uncomplicated commands and search options are perfect. You will find more people spending quality time on your app if you keep it simple.
4. Reduced Need to Scroll
Scrolling is an expected activity with websites on a laptop, but no one wants to spend their time scrolling in an app. Click options to navigate are always the preferred method. Better usability is determined partially by having to do fewer things to get to your desired activity.
5. Minimal Steps for Maximum Results
If your app is a shopping one for selling items your company produces, you want a simple app that takes your potential customer from the selection pages to check out in minimal time and zero hassle. Keeping clutter to a minimum and making the app experience enjoyable greatly increases usability.
6. Clarity of Content
All of the information on your app should offer clear and concise wording. The font style and size should offer a comfortable reading experience. Instructions should also be to the point and offer details without confusion. Usability determinations are more favorable by users that can easily understand directions and other information on the app.
Quality usability in app development is created by providing a positive user experience that makes an individual want to return.